Opiate Withdrawal Treatment

Opiate withdrawal treatment is your best chance for lasting recovery.
Many different types of opium withdrawal treatment have been developed over the years to assist those who are addicted to opium and its derivatives in overcoming the physical dependence that they have on these substances. Some of the most common opium withdrawal treatment options include prescription medications, medication replacement therapy, over-the-counter medications and simple rest. The type or types of treatment that work best for you will likely depend on:
- How sever the withdrawal symptoms are and what symptoms you are experiencing
- How long you have been addicted and whether there are any co-occurring addictions
- What your current health status is and whether you require treatment for other conditions
- How long you have been using opium or what type of opium derivatives you have been using
Talk with your doctor or treatment professional about the types of opium withdrawal treatment that may be best for your individual situation. In many cases, a combination of rest, over the counter medications and prescription drugs provide the best treatment for opium withdrawal but no drug should be taken without first consulting with a doctor or treatment professional about your individual situation.
Prescription Medications
Opium withdrawal is widely treated using prescription medications such as clonidine, buprenorphine or naltrexone. Methadone and Suboxone are also used in some cases for the treatment of opium withdrawal but these two drugs have a high potential for abuse and can lead to physical dependence which doesn’t really help the user in the end. It’s important to talk with a healthcare professional before you make any decision to take prescription drugs for the treatment of opium withdrawal as some drugs do come with dangerous side effects or a risk of further addiction.
Medication Replacement
Methadone and Suboxone are the two primary medications administered to people who are addicted to opium or opiates and who are in search of a medication replacement therapy to assist them in overcoming the withdrawal symptoms. These two drugs do have potential for abuse and can cause addiction so it’s important to think about your risks before you decide to take either of these drugs.
Medication replacement therapy works to reduce withdrawals by helping the body to actually feel as though it is still receiving the drug despite the fact that the real drug of addiction is no longer being administered to the user. Unfortunately, the user can become addicted to the methadone or the other replacement medication and this can make stopping the use of these drugs a challenging process.
Over-the-Counter Medications
Certain over the counter medications can be used to help ease the withdrawal symptoms that a user feels during this challenging part of the recovery process. Antihistamines and other opium withdrawal remedies are ideal when it comes to helping the user to rest and curb some of the symptoms of withdrawal as long as their symptoms are mild to moderate. Various medications may help including:
- Sleep aids
- Anti-diarrhea medications such as Immodium AD
- Anti-Nausea medications
- Pain relievers
Your doctor or treatment provider may be able to tell you which medications are safe for you to take during opium withdrawal without risking further complications. Treatment for opium withdrawal can be challenging and may not be as easy as you may think. Over-the-counter medications should be discussed with your doctor prior to taking them to ensure that you remain on a safe path to recovery.
Rest & Support
A little rest goes a long way in the treatment of opium withdrawal. Resting the body will help you to feel better and having support will help you to stay on track even if the withdrawal symptoms get to a point in which they are very difficult to cope with. Rest is vital to recovery and although it may be difficult to rest while enduring opium withdrawal symptoms, any treatment professional will tell you that rest is absolutely necessary to your recovery.
Sometimes, having a friend, family member or counselor present during the most difficult stages of withdrawal will help you to stay on track and remain focused on the end goal of recovery. When the going gets tough, support is a necessary component to staying sober and to getting well. Besides the fact that support can really help you in recovery, it’s also an effective means at ensuring that you remain safe during the more challenging times of withdrawal.
Medical intervention is sometimes a necessary part of opium withdrawal treatment. If fever spikes, anxiety heightens, or your mood spirals out of control, medical intervention may be the only solution that is safe and effective. Most of the time, opium withdrawal symptoms are not a real danger to the user but in the rare case that they do pose serious risks, medical intervention is key to ensuring absolute safety and continued recovery.